Buying mdma online Australia

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It’s never been easier to buy cocaine, prescription medication, marijuana, ecstasy, ice and heroin, which are all easily available on the dark web. But how does it get here? Who is buying? And what are law-enforcement officials doing?

The sellers

Chris, whose real name cannot be used for legal reasons, was the kingpin of an international syndicate that sold hundreds of kilograms of drugs via the postal service.

Cocaine can be easily bought and sold on the dark web.
Cocaine can be easily bought and sold on the dark web.CREDIT:SHUTTERSTOCK

Before he was picked up by detectives in one of Sydney’s more moneyed pockets last year, the French national was living the high life with business-class flights across the globe and stays in expensive hotels around the world funded by the enormous dark web dealing operation he ran out of Europe.

Police believe he began his operations in Australia via the import of liquid MDMA, due to the perceived large amount of money to be made.

Using the postal system, Chris mailed MDMA – in liquid, tablet and powdered form – cocaine and ketamine in huge quantities to buyers all over Australia and the world.

Ice seized by Australian Border Force officials earlier this year.
Ice seized by Australian Border Force officials earlier this year.CREDIT:AUSTRALIAN BORDER FORCE

But it all came crashing down last year on a trip to Sydney, when police saw the man acting strangely on the street. Officers’ suspicions were confirmed when they found $770 and 66 grams of cocaine and a small amount of ketamine for sale in his pockets – and kilograms of it inside his apartment. mdma buy Australia, Where to buy mdma Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Victoria, Queensland, NSW, Hobart, Darwin,

Chris is far from alone – research done by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission last year shows that Australia has the second-highest number of dark web dealers per capita, after the Netherlands.

Cody Ward, 25, is before the courts.
Cody Ward, 25, is before the courts.CREDIT:FACEBOOK

Product ratings, promotional deals such as buy-one-get-one-free and even points of different such as “fair trade” cocaine – allegedly bought directly from farmers, not the murderous drug cartels that dominate the trade – are as commonplace on the dark web as they are in the legitimate retail world, Associate Professor James Martin, a criminologist and dark web expert from the Swinburne University of Technology, said.

“There’s the opportunity to provide feedback, in exactly the same way you would rank Uber drivers,” he said, adding dark web dealers were “extremely protective” of their reputations and rankings.

“It’s one of the real strengths of the system, because it enables trust in the purchase of illegal products.”

Free samples of cocaine, MDMA and prescription medication were part of alleged dark web dealer Cody Ward’s business plan until he was arrested in February this year.

Accused of running what was the state’s largest drug dealing business, Mr Ward and his two co-accused, Shanese and Patricia Koullias, are now before the courts.

The allegations relating to Mr Ward and the Koullias sisters are unrelated to Chris’ case.

The buyers

Police have discovered Chris’ buyers included a Sydney dealer with exclusive rights to the city, several men in Newcastle, an ethnic gang in Melbourne and a man in South Australia.

Buying dozens of kilograms at a time, some of Chris’ buyers onsold drugs to local consumers both on the dark web and via street deals.

A number of Australian purchasers also bought drugs via the dark web for personal use, which makes up about 90 per cent of the global drug purchases on the dark web.

“We consider sales of less than $200 for personal use,” Associate Professor Martin said. mdma buy Australia, Where to buy mdma Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Victoria, Queensland, NSW, Hobart, Darwin,

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